Pioneer Memorial Home Health

Pioneer Memorial Home Health combines quality medical care with all the comforts of home. We provide personalized care tailored to fit patients’ daily routines. Our team cares for people recuperating from a hospital stay, those with prolonged illnesses, and those with disabilities. We provide direct patient care, instruction on special needs associated with an illness, rehabilitative exercises, training and support to those providing the day-to-day care.
Home care services are provided in the patient’s place of residence by our professional staff of Registered Nurses and Physical Therapists. Personal care is provided by State Certified Home Health Aides. Social services for assistance with home and community living is also available.
The Home Health department can also help arrange for durable medical equipment (DME) such as hospital beds, commodes, wheelchairs, walkers, and any necessary pulmonary health equipment such as home oxygen. Instruction in the appropriate use of all equipment is also provided.
Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance will pay for home visits for patients that qualify and have a medical necessity. The Home Health office staff can assist in clarifying coverage.
Pioneer Memorial Home Health Contact Information:
162 Main Street,
Heppner, OR 97836
8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
(541) 676-2946
Pioneer Memorial Hospice
The word “hospice” originated from the medieval term for a place of shelter for travelers on a difficult journey. Today the term is used to describe a concept of care that provides physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual support for the terminally ill, their families and caregivers.
Pioneer Memorial Hospice staff brings crucial elements of medical and nursing care to the patient’s place of residence, and offers practical and emotional support for them and their families. Our program helps many patients to be alert, comfortable, and free of pain as they live their final days in a familiar place surrounded by people they know and love. These services are provided by a team of trained professionals including physicians, nurses, counselors, therapists, volunteers, and aides who make up the hospice interdisciplinary team.
Hospice should be considered when the patient and their physician determine that curative treatments are no longer effective or desired, and life expectancy can be measured in weeks or months rather than years. Referral can be made by physicians or social service agencies, as well as by direct requests from the patient, family, or primary caregiver.
Reimbursement for hospice services is available through Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance companies. Care is never withheld because of inability to pay. Financial Assistance is available from contributions, fundraisers, and donations made to the hospice program.