Volunteer for Hospice

Make a Difference in Your Community: Become a Hospice Volunteer
Hospice Volunteers offer kindness and compassion to those living with end-stage illness. Our network of volunteers are integral to the hospice care team and invaluable support for the recipient and their family. A Hospice Volunteer can share their unique talents with patients and families. We value all gifts that you alone can bring to our organization. Some enjoy visiting with clients and caregivers and sharing life experiences. Others will write letters of encouragement. Some can make wonderful treats from their own kitchen. Others love to share their vegetable and flower garden rewards. Some get a kick out of drinking hot chocolate and reading to our clients on a chilly afternoon. And still others have a flair for organizing events and fundraisers. Whatever the gift you are willing to share, we promise to value your volunteering spirit.
Apply Online:
HospiceVolunteer_Application_Updated_7_2020_PDF_DRAFT3.pdfHospiceVolunteer_Application_Updated_7_2020_WORD.docor Contact Jackie Alleman, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator, for more information.
541-676-2946, jacquelinea@mocohd.org
Hospice Volunteers are required to complete a $20 online training course before beginning their service to the community. This training can be done at your own pace. This fee is refundable once the training is successfully completed. Volunteers meet monthly to receive additional training, socialize and share experiences.